Why is proper E-Waste Management Important?


Do you have old mobile phones, computers, TVs, etc. lying at home? Electronic waste or E-Waste is electronic products that are unwanted, defective, or no longer used. India generated 3.2 million tonnes of E-Waste in 2019 which is an alarming number, making E-Waste management an increasingly important environmental issue.

What happens when you dispose of your E-Waste irresponsibly?

E-Waste contains toxic chemicals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, barium, lithium, and more. When the recyclables are not disposed of properly, it ends up causing great harm to humans and the environment. The toxins, when released into the air, cause air pollution and respiratory diseases. The air pollution further damages the soil and water quality, leading to irreversible damage.

When heavy metals from E-Waste reach groundwater, they make it extremely difficult for marine organisms to survive. Furthermore, there are numerous adverse effects of improper disposal for humans. The chemical substances of the recyclables affect the brain, heart, liver, and kidney. It often leads to birth defects and impacts the reproductive systems of the body harshly.

Why is E-Waste Management important?

With the increase in consumption of electronics and the rapid growth of technology, the amount of E-Waste generated continues to increase. This also means that the recyclables are discarded more often. The best way to avoid causing harm through E-Waste is to recycle it with the help of kabadiwalas near you.

  • Recycling saves energy as electronics are made of a variety of raw materials and thus, reduce the need to extract more raw materials from nature.
  • Recycling helps keep E-Waste away from landfills, thus making the environment a cleaner and greener place.
  • The greenhouse gas emissions released through recyclables decrease as we make the process of E-Waste management better.
  • Electronic recyclables contain precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, etc., which can be reclaimed through recycling.

It is important to beat the E-Waste management crisis properly rather than tossing the recyclables in the dumpster. Recently, there has been a rise in the concept of online kabadiwalas who make your recycling process as easy as possible for you. You can sell your recyclables and at the same time, earn money!

One such initiative is Scrap Uncle which has a strong vision to alleviate the E-Waste management crisis in India. You can book a scrap pickup for your recyclables instantly and hassle-free. Trained executives of the Scrap Uncle pickup team will come to collect your recyclables and weigh them using the ISO-certified digital weighing scale and pay you in your desired mode of payment.

You can sell a range of recyclables to your online kabadiwala such as paper, metals, cardboard, e-waste, plastics, etc. To know about the scrap rates, you can download the Swapeco application from Google PlayStore or visit the Swapeco website.

Book your scrap pickup now at Swapeco and help in making India a green country!

Also, read – How to Separate Recyclables at Home before Recycling

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