Waste to Wealth: Earning from Scrap in Gurgaon


Last Update on 12th March 2025

As India attempts to deal with the plastic and waste management crisis amid COVID-19, entrepreneurs are quickly capitalizing on the need to recycle. Govind, a 34-year-old scrap dealer based in Delhi, India works at a dusty suburb of glass and concrete. He is the co-owner of Shiv Scrap Dealers and for more than 10 years, Govind–with the help of his brother–has been sifting through the dispose of waste of others to gain value. The brother reflects on the changing waste components throughout the years, stating that there is a greater amount of plastic waste and that silver has replaced copper wiring, which has provided them with a more profitable value. On average, they make about 30,000 rupees ($432) a month. Govind and Joginder claim that the leftovers from people are worth thousands of dollars, a fortune in India.

Schedule Now: ScrapUncle – Modern-Day Kabadiwala

As such, scrap dealers––often referred to as Kabadiwalas or Raddiwalas––are at the heart of the country’s robust albeit informal recycling industry. With India generating more waste than ever, the waste management sector has grown rapidly and while Kabadiwalas have been around for decades, they have begun to modernize. Govind has a daily routine beginning at 9:00 AM local time and spends up to eight hours every Saturday and Sunday ringing doorbells at hundreds of homes. He receives a week’s worth of scrap and junk from books and paper, which he weighs and pays based on a determined scrap rate. Govind and Joginder are not alone in this job sector with more than millions of informal workers currently working in relation to waste management which is essential for large urban cities to function in India. 

Check Out Platic Scrap Rate: https://scrapuncle.com/local-rate

Swaepco is an innovative initiative based in Delhi, India where the efficient waste management is a priority. With a digital platform, anyone can schedule a hassle-free doorstep scrap pickup which will be processed by trained and verified partner vendors and Kabadiwalas of your area. In light of the COVID-19 health sanitary crisis, we have also launched the Zero Contact Pickup Campaign, which will ensure the maintenance of the hygienic exchange process and prioritize the safety and well-being of all parties involved. With Swapeco, make sure you are contributing to the environmental improvement of India while earning money!

If you would like to schedule your first pickup, feel free to visit Swapeco.com to learn more about what we have to offer. Also, if you have any inquiries, we are always available through social media or send us an email ([email protected]) and we will be happy to respond.

Download our app now to experience the benefits we have to offer and visit our website at swapeco.com for more information! For the quickest access to our service, please download our mobile app at the following link: Click Here

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scrapuncle/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scrapuncle/?utm_medium=copy_link
Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrapuncleapp
LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/scrapuncle

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